International Database on REDD+ Projects and Programs

Linking Economics, Carbon and Community


ID-RECCO stands for the “International Database of REDD+ Projects and Programs: Linking Economics, Carbon and Communities.” This free, public database is a resource for scientists, civil society organizations, governments, project proponents and potential investors who wish to track REDD+ progress.
Established as a collaborative project in 2014, ID-RECCO is now the largest global database on REDD+ projects and programs, encompassing:





About us

Through this website you can:

Compare and contrast the data across different projects and programs using more than 136 variables including deforestation metrics, GDP per capita, and CO2 emission levels.

Display the data from projects and programs by country or by using a world map

Register your name and interest in REDD+ to download the complete database spreadsheet, v5.0.

Browse the site to learn more about our team, methods, and data sources, as well as the many people and institutions that helped make this database happen

Introducing version 5.1!

   The ID-RECCO database is now updated to October 2022. Register here to download the new spreadsheet, where we have:  
  • Split the dataset into two sections for 1) ‘Projects’ and 2) a new table dedicated to ‘Jurisdictional REDD+ Programs’ 
  • Added new variables on carbon accounting methodologies. Users can now characterize projects by 136 variables, and programs can be characterized by 101 variables 
  • Added a revamped ‘Community Interventions’ sheet for projects 

Interested in getting involved? Contact us!

ID-RECCO is a collaborative work tool. All users are invited to contribute to improving data reliability and availability.
To report an error, mention a new project/program or provide additional information on a project/program, please contact

Funding partners

Phase 4

Phase 3

Phase 1 and 2

Founding organisations