REDD+ Yaguara Llanos del Yari
Project/Juridiction proponent
Name | Website | Location of headquarters | Organization type |
CB CARBONCONSULTING S.A.S | ND | Colombia | Private for profit |
Resguardo Indígena Yaguara II Llanos del Yarí | ND | Colombia | ND |
Project/Juridiction Partners
Name | Website | Location of headquarters | Organization type |
Project characteristics
- Project status 2022TBC
- Project nameREDD+ Yaguara Llanos del Yari
- Secondary name
- CountryColombia
- Last IDRECCO update year2020
- Size (in hectare)124923
- Start yearND
- End year2047
- Duration30
- Project descriptionThe YAGUARA II LLANOS DEL YARÍ Project aims at reducing deforestation through the actions of the indigenous communities from the ethnicities Piapoco, Piratapuyo and Pijao, that were recently displaced by the armed conflict in Colombia, and that now are returning to their territory wishing to restore their sovereignty over the land and to protect the remnants of highly threatened amazon forest and its biodiversity.
- Objective 1climate
- Objective 2biodiversity conservation
- Objective 3social development
- Deforestation driverscattle grazing, illegal logging, local livelihoods
- Type of foresthumid
- Project activityREDD
- Project TypeREDD
- Details for Afforestation/Reforestation activityNA
- Multiple locations?No
- Jurisdiction level 1Departments of Caqueta, Meta, and Guaviare
- Jurisdiction level 2
Carbon accounting
- Crediting period2018-2047
- Period to calculate annual carbon credits
- Annual carbon credits
- Total carbon credits104362923
- Leakage is expected?ND
- Carbon pools includedND
- Gasses includedND
- Reference period start yearND
- Reference period end yearND
- Carbon standard 1VCS
Carbon certification
- Carbon standard 1 Progressin process
- Carbon standard 1 Publication dateND
- Carbon standard 1 Weblinks
- Carbon standard 1 Expiry dateND
- Carbon standard 2none
- Carbon standard 2 ProgressND
- Carbon standard 2 Publication dateND
- Carbon standard 2 WeblinksND
- Carbon standard 2 Expiry dateND
- Carbon standard 3none
- Carbon standard 3 ProgressND
- Carbon standard 3 Publication dateND
- Carbon standard 3 WeblinksND
- Carbon standard 3 Expiry dateND
- Source of information
Community level intervention
- Any monetary benefits?ND
- Monetary benefit typeND
- Monetary benefit detailND
- Provides employment?Yes
- Are there non-cash benefits?No
- Economic activities - typeagroforestry | NTFP
- Is there tenure clarification?No
- Is there environmental education?Yes
- Is there forest access restriction or control/monitoring of deforestation?Yes
- Is there forest enhancement?No
- Is there community infrastracture improvement?Yes
- Is there other community benefits?Yes