Central Suau Pilot REDD+ Project
Project/Juridiction proponent
Name | Website | Location of headquarters | Organization type |
Project/Juridiction Partners
Name | Website | Location of headquarters | Organization type |
Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) | ND | Papua New Guinea | Public |
Forest Authority (PNGFA) | ND | Papua New Guinea | Public |
GiZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit) | ND | Papua New Guinea | Public |
Papua New Guinea | ND | Papua New Guinea | Public |
Project characteristics
- Project status 2022TBC
- Project nameCentral Suau Pilot REDD+ Project
- Secondary nameND
- CountryPapua New Guinea
- Last IDRECCO update year2020
- Size (in hectare)64000
- Start yearND
- End yearND
- DurationND
- Project descriptionThe Central Suva area is one of the proposed pilot sites of the PNG Forestry Authority for REDD+ activities in PNG. Development remains in the early stages, but carbon baselines are being established, community mapping is taking place and emissions reductions strategies are being formulated. A feasibility study was conducted by GIZ in 2013. The study identified several potential activities for the demonstration site: - Reduced Impact Logging (RIL) activities; - Shift from logging to protection forest
- Objective 1influence national policy
- Objective 2climate
- Objective 3participatory forest management
- Deforestation driversindustrial wood exploitation
- Type of forestND
- Project activityREDD
- Project TypeREDD
- Details for Afforestation/Reforestation activityNA
- Multiple locations?Non
- Jurisdiction level 1Province : Milne Bay
- Jurisdiction level 2District : Central Suau
Carbon accounting
- Crediting periodND
- Period to calculate annual carbon credits
- Annual carbon credits
- Total carbon credits83993600
- Leakage is expected?ND
- Carbon pools includedND
- Gasses includedND
- Reference period start yearND
- Reference period end yearND
- Carbon standard 1none
Carbon certification
- Carbon standard 1 ProgressND
- Carbon standard 1 Publication dateND
- Carbon standard 1 WeblinksND
- Carbon standard 1 Expiry dateND
- Carbon standard 2none
- Carbon standard 2 ProgressND
- Carbon standard 2 Publication dateND
- Carbon standard 2 WeblinksND
- Carbon standard 2 Expiry dateND
- Carbon standard 3none
- Carbon standard 3 ProgressND
- Carbon standard 3 Publication dateND
- Carbon standard 3 WeblinksND
- Carbon standard 3 Expiry dateND
- Source of informationhttp://theredddesk.org/countries/initiatives/central-suau-pilot-redd-project; http://theredddesk.org/resources/redd-feasibility-study-central-suau-milne-bay-papua-new-guinea
Community level intervention
- Any monetary benefits?Yes
- Monetary benefit typeConditional
- Monetary benefit detailPayment through the sale of future carbon credits (linked to effective emission reductions - therefore linked to practise)
- Provides employment?Yes
- Are there non-cash benefits?ND
- Economic activities - typeND
- Is there tenure clarification?ND
- Is there environmental education?ND
- Is there forest access restriction or control/monitoring of deforestation?ND
- Is there forest enhancement?ND
- Is there community infrastracture improvement?ND
- Is there other community benefits?ND